
Control your migration from Jahia to WordPress

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This repository will provide you with an amazing toolbox to migrate your old beloved Jahia website to a brand new WordPress one.

In the process, not only shall you not loose your data, but you shall also be able to control and drive the migration process, i.e:

  • where to migrate: URLs of your new site
  • what to migrate: all pages? only a group of pages?
  • how to migrate: apply some filters to clean your HTML
  • for whom to migrate: use gaspar accounts as admins


MIT license - Copyright (c) EPFL


We will first focus on automation and maintenance, with the objective of driving all the creation process from one shared spreadsheet (aka configuration source).

This phase ended on the 30th of November, with the release 0.3.0

We will secondly add support for migration of a simple site:

  1. Export the content of a Jahia website as a zipped package
  2. Parse zipped package (XML and files) as python objects
  3. Import parsed pages into WordPress (raw content)
  4. Support translation, hierarchy, menu, sidebar

And lastly we will extend the support to other Jahia boxes, mainly thanks to WordPress shortcodes

  1. Import static Jahia boxes into WordPress (shortcodes)
  2. Import web-services powered Jahia boxes into WordPress (people, faq, actu, memento, infoscience, and so on ...)



You are a developer, with an experience of git and python.

In this documentation the code snippets will make the assumption that you clone the git repo into 'you@host:~$'.

When it comes to the environment, we will use the following values in our examples:

  • 'your-env' for the project environment : that's ok for you if you work only locally. You need to use your environment name if you work on C2C infra.
  • 'venv' for the python virtual environment : keep this name like this, since some shortcuts (aliases) make use of it.


We have tried (hard) to make this process as smooth as possible, and to isolate most of the dependencies in a docker container. However, you still need to install a few things locally (head to INSTALL_TOOLS.md to get more details).

Be sure you meet the following requirements:

  1. git
  2. docker and docker-compose
  3. make

Note that python is not in the requirements. You do not necessarily need it on your host since we will rely on docker's version.

Express setup (locally)

architecture locale

As some commands require sudo, you will be asked for your system password. The process will add a line in your .bashrc (again: head to INSTALL_TOOLS.md to get more details):

you@host:~$ git clone git@github.com:epfl-idevelop/jahia2wp.git
# or, would you rather use https instead of SSH
# you@host:~$ git clone https://github.com/epfl-idevelop/jahia2wp.git 
you@host:~$ cd jahia2wp
you@host:jahia2wp$ make bootstrap-local (add ENV=your-env if you use a C2C environment name here if you have one)
-> instructions to finish local setup

Simply run the instructions given in the last lines from the script.

Among them, make exec will log you in your container.

💡 If you want to use a nonstandard HTTP or HTTP/S port, you will need to log in through phpMyAdmin to edit siteurl in table wp_options, prior to testing your new site in the browser (or clear the cache if you forgot)

Did we mention that would you be looking for a more explicit process, feel free to follow the detailed guide? ;)

Express setup (C2C)

architecture Infra C2C

You will need to ask C2C to add your public key in authorized_keys on the server. You will also need to know what environment (pod) you wish to connect into (and set WP_ENV accordingly)

you@host:~$ WP_ENV=c2c-env && ssh -A -o SendEnv=WP_ENV www-data@ssh-wwp.epfl.ch -p 32222

www-data@mgmt-x-xxx:/srv/c2c-env$ git clone git@github.com:epfl-idevelop/jahia2wp.git
www-data@mgmt-x-xxx:/srv/c2c-env$ cd jahia2wp
www-data@mgmt-x-xxx:/srv/c2c-env/jahia2wp$ cp /srv/.config/.env . (<- that will set the correct DB credentials for you)
www-data@mgmt-x-xxx:/srv/c2c-env/jahia2wp$ make -f Makefile.c2c

Enter the container

In this section, we assume that you have been through all the installation steps, and you now have a bash running in your management container:

# locally
you@host:jahia2wp$ make exec

# C2C infra
you@host:~$ managwp

The usage is independent from the environment. The same docker image is used in both case. The difference will come from the variables in the .env file.

You can start with this useful alias:

www-data@...:/srv/your-env$ vjahia2wp

The configuration of your python virtual environment will occur the first time you make use of it. Otherwise, it is simply activated and you are correctly set in your src dir:

(venv) www-data@...:/srv/your-env/jahia2wp/src$


For all examples given in this section, you should have completed the previous section. Therefore, the assumption is made that

  1. you are connected in your mgmt container (or in C2C infra),
  2. and you used the alias vjahia2wp to activate your environment

From here you can use the python script jahia2wp.py. The option -h will give you details on available options

python jahia2wp.py -h

Export a Jahia website (zip file)

Provided that you have an admin access on Jahia for the website you wish to export, you can download a zip file with the content of your website.

The zip file will be downloaded in the directory pointed out by JAHIA_ZIP_PATH (by default where you execute the command)

You can set up credentials either through environment variables (e.g in your .env file)...

# using credentials from .env
#   JAHIA_USER = admin
#   JAHIA_PASSWORD = secret
#   JAHIA_HOST = localhost
.../src$ python jahia2wp.py download dcsl
INFO - your-env - session - http://localhost/administration - authenticating...
INFO - your-env - download_site - saving response into dcsl_export_2017-10-11-11-08.zip...
INFO - your-env - download_site - file downloaded in 0:00:00.121159

or through the command line interface:

# using credentials from command line (you will be prompted for password)
.../src$ python jahia2wp.py download dcsl --username=foo
Jahia password for user 'foo':
INFO - your-env - session - http://localhost/administration - authenticating...
INFO - your-env - download_site - saving response into ./dcsl_export_2017-10-11-11-13.zip...
INFO - your-env - download_site - file downloaded in 0:00:00.121510

Create a new WordPress site

Here are some examples with WordPress sites at different levels

.../src$ python jahia2wp.py generate $WP_ENV http://localhost
.../src$ python jahia2wp.py generate $WP_ENV http://localhost/folder/ --wp-title="Sous Site WP" --owner=235151
.../src$ python jahia2wp.py generate $WP_ENV http://localhost/folder/niv3 --wp-title="Site Niv3 WP" --admin-password=foo

You can check that three new WordPresses are running on http://localhost/folder/niv3.

You can access the admin of the last one with the credentials admin/foo.

Information on a WordPress site

To check if you have a WordPress site properly configured:

.../src$ python jahia2wp.py check $WP_ENV http://localhost/folder/niv3
WordPress site valid and accessible at http://localhost/folder/niv3

To get the version of a given WordPress site:

.../src$ python jahia2wp.py version $WP_ENV http://localhost

To get the admin users of a given WordPress site

.../src$ python jahia2wp.py admins $WP_ENV http://localhost/folder/
admin:admin@example.com <administrator>
user235151:user@epfl.ch <administrator>

Inventory of WordPress sites for a given path (in a given env)

To look into the tree structure and list all valid/unvalid WordPress sites, with some info when they are valid:

.../src$ python jahia2wp.py inventory $WP_ENV /srv/your-env/localhost
INFO - your-env - inventory - Building inventory...
INFO - your-env - inventory - Inventory made for /srv/your-env/localhost

Backup a WordPress site

To save a WordPress site, you can choose between a full or an incremental backup, and control the location of your backups with the environment variable BACKUP_PATH

python jahia2wp.py backup $WP_ENV http://localhost/folder
python jahia2wp.py backup $WP_ENV http://localhost/folder --backup-type=inc

Delete a WordPress site

To delete the sites created in the previous section, you could do

python jahia2wp.py clean $WP_ENV http://localhost/folder/niv3
python jahia2wp.py clean $WP_ENV http://localhost
python jahia2wp.py clean $WP_ENV http://localhost/folder/

phpMyAdmin (locally)

A phpMyAdmin is available locally at localhost:8080, with the server and credentials defined in your .env file


There are a few ways where you can help out:

  1. Submit GitHub issues for any feature enhancements, bugs or documentation problems.
  2. Fix open issues by sending PRs (please make sure you respect flake8 conventions and that all tests pass (see below)
  3. Add documentation (written in markdown)


You can launch the tests either from your host:

you@host:~/jahia2wp$ make test

Or from the management container:

(venv) www-data@...:/srv/your-env/jahia2wp/src$ pytest

(venv) www-data@...:/srv/your-env/jahia2wp/src$ cd .. 
(venv) www-data@...:/srv/your-env/jahia2wp$ make test-raw


Check out CONTRIBUTING.md for more details

Code of Conduct

As detailed in CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, we pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone


All notable changes to this project are documented in CHANGELOG.md.