HOWTO create a cronjob on openshift infrastructure

You will find on this page a few recipes to create and manage cronjobs. Please refer to the official documentation for more details.

Pre-requisite : login

$ oc login

Creating a job

You should have prepared a job description in YAML format. You will find examples in the directory etc/cronjobs. For instance etc/jobs/build-dev-inventory.yaml

$ oc create -f path/to/cronjob-definition.yaml

Listing jobs

$ oc get cronjobs

Listing logs for a job

In order to access the logs, you first need to know which pod runs your job. Once you know it, use the command oc logs <pod>:

$ oc get pods
NAME                                       READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
test-cronjob-definition-1510669500-dkvh1   0/1       CrashLoopBackOff   28         2h
$ oc logs test-cronjob-definition-1510669500-dkvh1

Deleting jobs

oc delete cronjob test-cronjob-definition