Detailed installation process

Table of contents

Starting point: github

Github is currently the only way to leverage this project (and its awesome features).

you@host:~$ git clone
you@host:~$ cd jahia2wp

Initial setup (details of make bootstrap-local)

You have to define locally the environment variable WP_ENV, with the name of the environment you will use on C2C infra (or just stick with the examples and use 'your-env' if you plan to work locally exclusively).

This variable is really important, since it is used by multiple scripts (make, docker-compose, python), in multiple places (local machine, container, C2C environment).

In this README file, we will use 'your-env' as your value for WP_ENV.

you@host:~$ echo "
export WP_ENV=your-env" >> ~/.bashrc
you@host:~$ source ~/.bashrc

Other variables will be needed at some point from your environment. You can define default values by copying and adapting the provided sample file:

you@host:~/jahia2wp$ cp .env.sample .env

The make commands will use those values as defaults, and also pass them to docker-compose as needed. Speaking of docker, you will execute python code and tests inside a container, with local volumes. The container user (www-data, uid 33 in the container) will need write access on those volumes, hence you need to set some group permissions beforehand.

you@host:~/jahia2wp$ sudo chown -R `whoami`:33 .
you@host:~/jahia2wp$ sudo chmod -R g+w .
you@host:~/jahia2wp$ find . -type d -exec sudo chmod g+s {} \;

Note: this part is a bit ugly on macOS since uid 33 matches the user _appstore.

In order to work locally, there a few pre-requisites:

  1. docker and docker-compose installed (head to to get more details on docker setup)
  2. make installed (head to to get more details on this point)

make and docker will allow to set up your containers:

you@host:~/jahia2wp$ make up
Creating network "local_default" with the default driver
Pulling mgmt (camptocamp/os-wp-mgmt:latest)...
Creating phpmyadmin ... done
Creating mgmt ... done
Creating db ... done
Creating httpd ... done

You can control that everything is ok by checking that 4 containers have been started (your ids will be different):

you@host:~/jahia2wp$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                      NAMES
aaa                 camptocamp/os-wp-httpd   "/docker-entrypoin..."   37 seconds ago      Up 35 seconds>80/tcp,>443/tcp   httpd
bbb                 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin    "/ phpmyadmin"     39 seconds ago      Up 36 seconds>80/tcp                       phpmyadmin
ccc                 mysql:5.7                "docker-entrypoint..."   39 seconds ago      Up 37 seconds       3306/tcp                                   db
xxx                 camptocamp/os-wp-mgmt    "/docker-entrypoin..."   39 seconds ago      Up 37 seconds>22/tcp                       mgmt

And, finally, connect into the management container:

you@host:~/jahia2wp$ make exec

Your management environment (details of make bootstrap-mgmt)

As you do not want to mess furthermore with your host, we will setup the python virtual environment from the container.

However, you must respect the given venv directory in the example to get all the scripts working as expected:

you@host:.../your-env$ virtualenv -p `which python3` venv
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.

If you need more details on the virtual env, have a look at

The alias 'vjahia2wp' is available in the container to:

You can use it, and install the requirements:

you@host:.../your-env$ vjahia2wp
(venv) you@host:~/jahia2wp$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt

You can now jump to the usage section.

Setting up a brand new infra (new pods, new NAS, new everything)

Connect to the infrastructure and make sure you have subfolders matching your pods. For instance:

Pods Folder
httpd-manager /srv/manager
httpd-subdomains /srv/subdomains
httpd-www /srv/www
httpd-intranet /srv/intranet

Add the following files in /srv:

File Derived from
.bashrc etc/.bashrc
.aliases etc/.aliases_c2c
.config/.env .env.sample

Install in C2C infra

In order to work remotely, you need an access to C2C infra (your public SSH key needs to be authorized on the remote server).

Login to the management container (within VPN) and go to your environment:

you@host:~$ ssh -A -o SendEnv=WP_ENV -p 32222

Clone the project:

www-data@mgmt-x-xxx:/srv/your-env$ git clone
www-data@mgmt-x-xxx:/srv/your-env$ cd jahia2wp
www-data@mgmt-x-xxx:/srv/your-env/jahia2wp$ cp /srv/.config/.env .env

The last lines provide you with usable values for your .env. You still can modify them if needed:

www-data@mgmt-x-xxx:/srv/your-env/jahia2wp$ vi .env

Set up your virtual environment with make -f Makefile.c2c

Tip to connect to C2C

Set up an alias on your host:

$ echo "
alias managwp='echo ssh -A -o SendEnv=WP_ENV -p 32222 && ssh -A -o SendEnv=WP_ENV -p 32222'" >> ~/.bashrc

That will allow you to connect and move to your src dir in two commands:

you@host:~$ managwp
www-data@mgmt-x-xxx:~$ vjahia2wp
(venv) www-data@mgmt-x-xxx:/srv/your-env/jahia2wp/src$ vjahia2wp

You can now jump to the README usage section.