Ventilation Guideline

Quick start

The process is just one subcommand under The usual way to call it is:

PYTHONIOENCODING="utf-8" python migrate-urls $CSV_FILE $WP_ENV --root_wp_dest=$ROOT_WP_DEST --strict

The IO Encoding is mandatory since the docker containers use a variant of ascii for io while utf8 for the system.

The CSV file path with the rules. IMPORTANT: It has to be validated (syntax, semantic) before running the URL migration.

The root_wp_dest is where the EPFL destination site is located, should be /srv/$WP_ENV/

The strict parameter is important, it only lets migrate explicit matching URLs (i.e. if no star , the subpages are not migrated). If not specified greedy* mode takes place and it assumes there are stars everywhere to migrate most of the content. This behavior will change to set strict mode by default in the future.

Get started

There are some demo scripts for the 'ventilation' process under vent-demo in the src folder, they cover different case scenarios and help to understand how the process works.